New ASciNA Mentoring Cycle


Applications for the new mentoring cycle of the ASciNA mentoring program (AMP) starting in September 2017 are now possible. Young researchers doing their Ph.D. or Postdoc in North America can apply to be matched as a mentee with an Austrian mentor, who is an established researcher in his field and institution in North America.

New ASciNA Mentoring Cycle starting: Apply by June 15, 2017!

Applications for the new mentoring cycle of the ASciNA mentoring program (AMP) starting in September 2017 are now possible. Young researchers doing their Ph.D. or Postdoc in North America can apply to be matched as a mentee with an Austrian mentor, who is an established researcher in his field and institution in North America.

Three partners of ASciNA are generously supporting the mentoring program financially:

  • The Alumni Club of the Medical University of Vienna is going to support two mentoring pairs financially if the mentee is an Alumni of the Medical University of Vienna and a member of the Alumni Club.
  • The Alumni club of the Technische Universität Wien is also supporting two pairs if the mentees are members of their Alumni Club.
  • The Technische Universität Graz will support one mentoring team.


Details about the AMP and how to apply:

Closing date for applications:
June 15, 2017

Period of mentoring relationship: 
September 1, 2017, to August 30, 2018